Unashamedly, yet again, I am asking for you to vote for me in the Spoonflower Boba G2 Baby Carrier fabric design contest. I stand to win $500!

You can vote for me
here. Hit the link that reads 'Vote For Your Favourite Nature-Themed Fabrics' at the bottom of the post and you will find me on page 6 of the selected 260 designs. To vote for me click on my design called
'Footprints'. You will see a green box appear around it to let you know it's been selected. You can select as many designs as you like, but to submit the votes you have to click through to the final page and hit save. Thank you!
Edit: Oh dear, seems I'm not stationery on page 6. If you can be bothered to scan through for me all the more thanks to you :)